2024 Parent Contibutions Outline
Below are the details and guidance on the management of our ‘Parent Contributions and Booklist’ requirements for 2023. School Council has undertaken its annual review in preparation for the coming year.
Schools provide studentrs with free instruction to fufil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our familis ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students.
Should there be particular issues that you wish to discuss in relation to the following breakdown of contributions, you are encouraged to contact the Principal, Mr. Andrew Frawley, and a meeting can be arranged.
Outline of Parent Contibutions 2024 contained in each year levels Voluntary Financial Contributions booklet.
Educational Items for Students to Own
These are items the recommended items for parents and carers to purchase through Education Plus for children to individually own and use.
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities
Incursions & Minor Excursions
This is an optional payment made on a user-pays basis. The activities are specific to our arts & cultural performances program. These activities may occur at school or within the local community. Dependent on the number of activities undertaken during the school year there may be additional costs which if they occur will be communicated to you in a timely manner.
Sports Events Charge (Foundation to 6)
This is an optional payment made on a user-pays basis. This minimises the number of monetary requests for sporting trips and events throughout the year parents have the opportunity to pay an amount of $80 up front to cover these. Most students will need to spend this entire amount on our compulsory core events; like transportation and entry the gymnastics program. Some students will elect to participate in other sports activities which will be an additional cost. Payment for these events will be then requested for as required.
School Camp & Major Excursions
After being cancelled due to COVID-19 for the two years we were excited to School Camp return in 2022. School Camp will occur again in 2025.
Because of the challenges with planning, organisation and the related costing process, costs associated with school camps and major excursions are not included.
Netbook Program (Grade 3-6 only)
The 1 to 1 netbook program is a crucial part of our senior school curriculum. The 2025 1 to 1 netbook program will remain the same as in the past and students will have access to a netbook during the course of the school day and will be able to take them home for school based activities at the teachers’ discretion.
If the netbook is damaged in a way which is found to wilful or careless a repair cost may be requested. If the netbook malfunctions the school will cover the cost of repair.
Families will be provided with comprehensive documentation detailing the user agreements at the beginning of the 2025 school year.
Grades 3-6 $40.00
Department of Education & Training Parents Payment Overview
Department of Education & Training Parent Payments Policy
In past years parents who were deemed eligible became recipients of the governments Camps, Sports and Excursion (CSEF) payment of $150. This money was used as required during 2019. Any remaining funds are carried over into 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 due to the cancellation of many activities due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the provision of free activities in 2022 and 2023. The CSEF payment will again be available in 2025 and will assist families to pay for payment of Incursions and minor excursions, and tranpsortation to the swimming and gymnastics programs.
Full or part payments are requested by Friday February 7th 2025. (If you elect to pay your student charges in instalments, we request that final payments please be made by Wednesday July 16th). Payments can be made directly to the school office in cash or by card (the school has EFTPOS facilities), direct credit into the school's bank account (please contact the school for bank account details) or via CentrePay (please contact the school for CentrePay details).
Please ensure you contact Andrew Frawley if you require clarification or wish to discuss any aspect of this dimension of our school program.